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It is the people involved in her original concept and now the operation that makes the superyacht E&E stand out from the crowd.

It is they who contributed to her design build and now her safe operation. They do so with great pride, interest, cooperation and professionalism.

Classified by ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) E&E is a go-anywhere Explorer Yacht. She voyages across the world in style and comfort.

Thanks to her award-winning designers, E&E has a unique and contemporary interior design and features a bold and strong lined exterior. They are five spacious decks with 930 m2 total area,steel, hull, aluminum superstructure and wheelhouse in composite. It is this combination that keeps the yachts overall weight down and lowers the center of gravity to ensure the boat seaworthy at all times and moves across the water in a pleasing manner.

The Interior of E&E features a full beam Master Suite forward on the main deck with bathrooms. Further aft on the same deck is the very spacious saloon and dining area. For other guest suites are situated on the upper deck and are fitted with large panoramic Windows.

The jacuzzi and sun lounge offer  360o views from the top deck. 

Here is the comment from someone who can take much the credit for the success of E&E.

"I am extremely proud to have led the qualified construction team and create this high
pedigree superyacht. ”

Ahmet Adalı, Project Manager , Cizgi Yacht

“Working together with the family on the design of this great expedition yacht was absolutely enjoyable. It allowed the Vripack Team to select the exterior styling elements and hull shape of E&E very carefully. I expect this smooth and sturdy styled vessel to push boundaries in yachting. We are truly proud to have been part of E&E’s exterior design and Naval Architecture”.

Bart M. Bouwhuis, Director of Design, Vripack

"To us, design is not just a matter of assembling components: it requires applying our insight into clients’ personalities and desires to complete each project to their satisfaction.
It was a great pleasure to design the interior for E&E"

Marilyn Bos de Vaal & Frank L. Pieterse, Art-Line Interiors
“This project is the result of a very meticulous and detailed design process and one that was very special experience for us.”
Yavuz Er & İlhan Gülümser / Detailled Design & Engineering, Endaze Engineering

"Comfortable  and carefully designed crew sections' positive effect on the crew, helps motivation and positively reflects on the whole yacht and its guests. I hope these spaces harmonuously blend client expectaions and that they will be experienced with joy."

Ali Gez, Interior Architect, ALG Design